
Astraline launches Radar Bands to help vulnerable people who may be at risk of getting lost

Astraline is today launching Radar Bands - a new product specifically designed for those with dementia, learning difficulties, or people who for other reasons may be at risk of getting lost.

First Published: 14/09/2018

t is highly visible and clearly displays the medical symbol to indicate that vital information is held on the band.

Astraline will hold basic information about the band wearer, any important medical information and contact details for their next of kin or carers. If the wearer becomes lost any member of the public who finds them can contact Astraline 24 hours a day. Astraline will not share any personal details with members of the public but will call next of kin or carers to tell them where the person has been found.

The name Radar band was chosen by Astraline staff in reference to Johnnie Johnson’s founder – a wartime flying ace who would have used radar as a necessity to complete his missions and get him home safely. We want the same for the users of this band.

This simple product contains no battery, so doesn’t need charging and will never go out of range. It’s cost-effective, waterproof, and has a secure ‘tamper-proof’ fastening. The wearer is protected as no personal details are held on the band, just Astraline’s phone number and a customer reference number.

For a cost of just £1 a week customers will receive a personalised radar band along with a year’s monitoring service from Astraline and information about the Herbert Protocol – a nationally recognised scheme supported by the police to help find vulnerable people who might go missing.

This product also supports the work of The Alzheimer’s Society, which is Astraline and Johnnie Johnson Housing’s charity of the year in 2018 because we will donate £1 from the sale of every Radar Band sale to the charity.

Personal services

Astraline offer bespoke telecare services, personal alarms, fall detectors, home security, and 24-hour emergency response service. Find out more now.

Professional services

At Astraline we work in partnership with healthcare professionals, local authorities, housing associations and health and social care providers to deliver efficient and person-centred care for their customers.


Astraline can help your organisation move from analogue to digital care systems in time for the digital switchover in 2025.